Monday, July 23, 2007

True confessions

1) I haven't written on this blog every day. Maybe that was an unrealistic expectation to post in my bio at the top of the blog. I was surprised, however, on day two, how much I worried about audience, topic, and self-revelation. It froze me up just a bit.

Someone told me once that a standard could be like the flag that marches in front of an army. The soldiers in the back never reach that flag, but they still march toward it. I'll keep the daily goal as a standard in that sense; we'll see if I get there.

2) I have been reminded that I have about three months left during which I can hold onto the
appellation 'thirty something.' True, true. The big 40 does loom large; those years ending in 0 always have a certain weight. But until I get there, I am going to bathe in my thirti-ness. Carpe diem and all that.

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